March 15, 2017


Diagnostic Skills & Techniques

Condensing Lenses: Sharpen Your Skills in Choosing and Using

These devices remain vital to everyday practice. Are you making the most of them?

Point-Counterpoint: Ultra-Widefield Imaging vs. Dilated Funduscopy

A dilated exam is the standard of care—but is it always practical?

Red Disease: Is it Haunting Your Glaucoma Diagnoses?

New imaging modalities are game-changers for glaucoma care, but beware of false positives.

Optometric Study Center

Injectable Medications in Ocular Care

Optometrists can make use of these treatments using these protocols.

Practice Management

Protect Yourself From Medicolegal Risk

Even the best practitioners run the risk of being sued. Here’s how you can avoid a suit—and survive if it does happen.


Imaging Motion: a Review of OCT-A

This new, noninvasive technology is giving us a more detailed view of the retinal vasculature than ever.

Vision Expo

Vision Expo East: Find Your New York State of Mind

With more than 320 hours of education, VEE is a must for optometrists looking to learn.



Time to Get Serious About 2017

It’s never too late to make a resolution or two, unless you resolved to stop being late. Then you’re up a creek without a paddle.

Clinical Quandaries

Getting Some Shut Eye

Complete ptosis can mean you’re dealing with a neurological issue. Get briefed on the work-up and what comes next.

Coding Connection

Better or Just Easier?

Technology can be helpful, but remember: the rules haven’t caught up yet.

Diagnostic Quiz

A Sticky Situation

A 25-year-old presents to the office complaining of a red, irritated right eye. How would you approach diagnosis?

News Review

News Review

Laser Procedures | Myopia | Diabetes | Diabetic Retinopathy

Ocular Surface Review

Plug into Dry Eye Therapy

Don’t overlook the benefits of punctal occlusion for your DED patients. New technologies have made it better than ever.


Your Best Device

Technology can help make diagnoses better, faster and more precise, but it’s you who makes the call.

Review of Systems

Concussion and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Optometrists should be on the lookout for symptoms of CTE in patients with a history of repetitive head trauma, especially those who play contact sports.

The Essentials

Reflecting on Entoptic Phenomena

Vivid images of the retinal vasculature often appear to our patients during exam. Are they a cause for concern?

Therapeutic Review

A Fresh Take on Cataract Care

New options aim to take the hassle out of postoperative care.

Through My Eyes

Diagnos-tech Advances

Greater precision in measuring ocular and visual status helps us spot disease earlier.