Eye care practitioners now have some new statistics that reveal rates of strabismus and its surgical corrections. In a recent retrospective analysis, researchers evaluated electronic health record data from patients in the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Intelligent Research in Sight registry over a four-year period. Results told the story of a fairly uncommon disorder.

Of the 30,827,185 patient records in the study, just 2.75% had a strabismus diagnosis. Additionally, about one in 750 total patients (or one in 20 with a strabismus diagnosis) received strabismus surgery and 6.72% had reoperations during the first year after the initial procedure, although this number was lower (3.95%) for patients between six and nine years of age and higher (11.5%) for patients older than 65.

“Strabismus is an uncommonly reported diagnosis in ophthalmologic practice,” the study concluded. “‘Big’ data from clinical data registries represent real-world care that can be used to develop benchmarks for clinical outcomes and to identify areas for practice improvement and training program design.”

Repka MX, Lum F, Burugapalli B. Strabismus, strabismus surgery, and reoperation rate in the United States. Ophthalmology. May 18, 2018. [Epub ahead of print].