The votes have been tallied, and we at Review would like to thank all of the participants in our second annual ocular photo contest!

Special thanks go to this years panel of judges: Christine W. Sindt, O.D.; Andrew S. Gurwood, O.D.; and Brian Chou, O.D.

Congratulations to our third place finalist, Steven Sobel, O.D., and to our two finalists who tied for second place, Greg W. Schober, O.D., and Howell Findley, O.D. Finally, congratulations to our grand prize winner, Brian Detwiler, C.O.A.

Thanks to all of our readers who submitted an ocular photo to the contest. Remember to Hit Us With Your Best Shot ... next year!


Grand Prize Winner:

Brian Detwiler, C.O.A., refractive counselor at Laurel Eye Clinic, in Duncansville, Pa.
A 23-year-old female presented with blurred vision but no pain and no flashes or floaters. Upon examination, she did reveal that she was recently scratched by a cat. The diagnosis turned out to be cat scratch disease. When I took the picture, I was awestruck at what I saw: a perfect macular star.


First Runner Up (tie):

Howell Findley, O.D., center director for Commonwealth Eye Surgery, in Lexington, Ky. The macrostriae visible at the LASIK flap of a female patient. This image was taken during the one-day postoperative examination. It was taken with the EyeRes system (Telscreen).


First Runner Up (tie):

Greg W. Schober O.D., of Macadam Vision, in Portland, Ore. A healthy 21-year-old woman presented complaining of blurred vision O.S. for the past three days. She denied using any medicines, and her family history was noncontributory. Her VA was 20/30 O.D. and 20/400 O.S. The diagnosis: idiopathic large preretinal hemorrhage. Her VA cleared to 20/25- two months later. This image was taken using a Canon CR4-45NM retrofit by Synemed with a Canon Rebel SLR Digital 10-megapixel camera.


Second Runner Up:

Steven Sobel, O.D., of 20/20 Eyecare Center, in Orlando, Fl. This astrocytic hamartoma was found in an asymptomatic young man upon routine ophthalmic examination. His vision is 20/20 O.U., and he has no history of tuberous sclerosis or neurofibromatosis. This photo was taken with a Canon CR4 nonmydriatic fundus camera and a Canon digital EOS 6.3 megapixel camera with 2X macro lens adapter.